I was sooo ready to light into Jillian for accepting all four of the fantasy suite invites this week. However, I was pleasantly surprised when she turned each one of them down. All except Ed who she let stay with the requirement that they remained fully clothed. Definitely a first for the bachelorette. Good for you Jillian.
As for Wes, I still can't stand the sight of him. Thank God he's gone. Everything he did annoyed me. I especially hated all the pet names he used when he was talking to Jillian. It made him seem even more sleezy that he already was, if that's even possible. I think Jillian knew it was over when he firmly stated that looking out for "numero uno" was the most important thing to him. What a classy guy. Go have lots of sex Wes. I'm sure someone in Chihuahua will take pity on you. Good luck with your album too, your personality is bound to make it a best seller. I'm glad Jillian finally saw the light and sent him packing.
Reid is actually growing on me. I never really paid attention to him much but I think he's cute and genuine. Kipton is still a frontrunner. Did you see Jillians face when he said that he didn't see a proposal in the near future?? I think that one lost him points, but at least he was honest. I'm calling Kipton and Ed for the final two.
Ah Ed. I love him. I really do....but something tells me that he might disappoint me again. Let's just hope I'm wrong.
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