100 Things About Me
1. I don’t know how to do anything with my hair
2. I love all things Christmas
3. I’m a morning person. I don’t know why more people aren’t
4. I start diaries and never finish them
5. I genuinely want to be eco friendly
6. I’m obsessed with cute aprons, even though I don’t wear them half the time
7. I really like my ears
8. I desperately want a dog of my very own. I would call her “Bestie”
9. Acoustic, chill music will always be my favorite
10. I hang on to the past
11. I wear clogs most everyday of my life. Except for summer
12. I download music illegally
13. I am on my laptop far too much
14. Cooking is my passion
15. I’m determined to find the absolute best chocolate chip cookie recipe
17. I love handmade ceramic mugs
16. I embarrass easily and blush uncontrollably
18. I’m not very stylish
19. I crave attention but don’t know what to do once I have it
20. I’ve never had a happy meal
21. I think that I am the perfect height
22. I think more people should write letters and notes. Including me
23. My favorite candy is chocolate chips
24. I have never dyed my hair and probably never will. Until I gray
25. I like to shop for things rather than clothes
26. I never sleep in past 9:30 AM
27. I’ve always wanted to marry a cowboy
28. I am the middle child
29. I am always imagining “what if” scenarios in my head
30. I am a devoted fan of Top Chef
31. I will forever be a hopeless romantic and believer in happy endings
32. I probably won’t end up being the “cool aunt”. I’ll be ok with that. Someday
33. I am part Croatian. I don’t know how much. But I claim it because it’s exotic
34. I’m a bad liar
35. I am severely disappointed when men don’t hold the door for
36. I give the best massages
37. I don’t have a lot of friends. But the few I have are the very best
38. I sing well
39. I eat peanut butter by the spoonful
40. I can crochet blankets, scarves, and pot holders
41. I watch Sex And The City...all the time
42. I have a fear of fear. So I seek out scary situations so I don’t have the chance to be afraid
43. I could live without red meat
44. Prairie Farms fat free yogurt is my favorite. Blueberry & strawberry banana
45. I take cold showers quite frequently
46. I refuse to eat anything that will turn my mouth/lips blue
47. I always carry splenda with me in case I go to someone’s house who only has sugar
48. I think I’ll win the lottery one day. But I’ve never bought a ticket
49. I think Oprah is 100% genuine and get defensive when defending her
50. Burberry London is the best perfume. period
51. I think I would be amazing in a crisis situation
52. I actually enjoy going to the doctor and the dentist
53. I am trying to be more political
54. I’m afraid of becoming attached to a patient and having them die
55. I make the best scones ever
56. I would rather live in the mountains that on a beach
57. I drink coffee because I like it, not because I need it
58. I can quote Sleepless In Seattle and While You Were Sleeping
59. When I dream I feel like I’m in a movie
60. I would rather die than have a cat
61. I enjoy wine. It makes me feel grown up
62. I would probably ride a motorcycle with anyone if they offered to give me a ride
63. I will make a fabulous wife. I just know it
64. I’ve never collected anything
65. I have a book full of quotes that I love
66. The book Irresistible Revolution changed my life
67. We used to sing hymns in grade school every Wednesday morning. I miss it
68. I have respect for parents who pick original names for their children
69. My kids will have original names
70. My password to everything is the name of a book my teacher read in the 3rd grade
71. I have no problem doing things by myself. Movies, restaurants, events…Its all cool
72. I always misspell the word “restaurant”. I just had to use spell check. Twice
73. I was voted “most likely to have 12 kids” in high school
74. I don’t take medicine unless absolutely necessary. ie in the hospital
75. I’ve bought myself flowers before. Just because.
76. I will never wear lipstick
77. I love the smell of burning leaves and campfires
78. I dated a boy named Stacy
80. The smell of liquor makes me shiver
81. I think video games are a complete waste of time
82. I enjoy making-out immensely
83. I get annoyed when people stand with their mouth open
84. I like to take walks but only in the fall and when I’m in love
85. People with overwhelmingly strong personalities tend to put me on the defensive
86. I tend to organize playlists as if they were soundtracks to my life
87. I want to be the best at something. Just once
88. I love a good story
89. I like my eggs scrambled and almost burnt
90. I don’t support capital punishment
91. I’m protective of my baby brother
92. I dislike any movie that takes place in space
93. My favorite book growing up was The Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher
94. Browsing recipes online is one of my favorite pastimes
95. My favorite job I ever had was working on a ranch in Colorado
96. I’ve never had a real nickname. I kind of want one
97. My parents used to make me peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. I never knew that was weird until I told someone
98. I despise figurines
99. I could survive on cereal alone and never eat it with milk
100. I truly believe that a cheerful heart is good medicine
(photo via songbirds)
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